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Writer's pictureMonica Emerson Collier

Today's Song of the Day

Groovy Xmas, The Linda Lindas, 2022

Hello, Christmas Eve! Hello, day two of historically cold temperatures in Ala-freaking-bama. Let me just say a forceful, "Be gone!" to both. It's 8 degrees at my house this morning and there is no power. Yeah. It's like the universe is answering that question I dared to ask, "Is there anything worse than the holidays?" The answer is a resounding, "Yes, indeed!" A single digit holiday season with intermittent power is absolutely a worst-case nightmare scenario.

Love this Christmas song. It's so groovy, baby. For the record, I have no idea where your stocking is, dude. Was hoping to start having a groovy Christmas today by lifting my spirits with a never-ending looping of my Christmas playlist but alas, my battery is low, the house feels like the Arctic and any faint glimmer of Christmas spirit I have left is close to being extinguished beneath this outerwear I'm donning while under this mound of blankets hunkered down in my bed.

I mostly say this in jest because a true Christmas miracle should be reserved to feed the hungry, house the unhoused, and facilitate peace on Earth -- but fingers crossed a Christmas miracle for me involves double digit temperatures today and going forward.

Happy Christmas Eve, y'all! Stay warm and safe!

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