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Writer's pictureMonica Emerson Collier

Today's Song of the Day

Total Eclipse of the Heart, Bonnie Tyler, 1983

File this one under "songs I hate but still sing along to with all my might." All my might I say. When it comes on, from that very first piano note, I resist and resist and resist ... until I don't. I roll my eyes and scoff ... until I don't -- until I give up and give in. As cringeworthy as this song is to me, it always feels good to give in to it. Don't ask me why -- it's a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.

Dare I say it? This song is iconic. Apparently, it's never going away. It's big and dramatic -- it's an extreme, exaggerated, gosh darn 80s production with staying power. Ahhh ... the 80s. Do songs blow up now like they did then? I mean, except for TSwift, are there really musical explosions of the same caliber that we had in the 80s? Hear it? Total Eclipse of the Heart has literal explosion-like sounds in it ...

PS: This video gives me eyeliner flashbacks and a twinge of eyeliner envy. Turn around bright eyes. Happy Saturday!

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