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Writer's pictureMonica Emerson Collier

Today's Song of the Day

Whatever Will Be, Will Be ( Que Sera, Sera), Syd Straw, 1988

It's the last Monday before holiday break and, surprise, I'm not feeling it at all. All this rain, y'all, has me in full on sloth mode. I just want to sleep ... I've never understood how that works -- the more I sleep, the more I want to sleep. Also, how can I feel so exhausted when I haven't really done much of anything? Mental stress is the culprit, I know, but that's so bizarre to me. Being mentally tired translates to being physically tired. That's just not good.

In case you can't tell, I watched Heathers yesterday. Yeah. Someone mistakenly called me "Heather" a few weeks back and it felt like a summon to indulge in the dark, twisted glory of the 80s classic. Wow. Heathers. That's a discussion for another day. At least the deceptively jaunty opening sequence planted this morning's earworm.

Please be gentle, Monday.

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