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Writer's pictureMonica Emerson Collier

Today's Song of the Day

Buttermilk Biscuits by Sir Mix-A-Lot, 1988

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about two of my very good friends from high school who are no longer with us. This song makes me think of them both and smile and dance.

My parents have always been social Baptists. Growing up, I had my church friends and I had my so very not church friends. It was two church friends who gave me the strength and courage to walk away from a very bad, abusive relationship during the spring semester of my senior year of high school.

I was 17 years old and these two friends taught me how to have good, clean fun. They both taught me the value and joy of being confident in my true, unaltered self. It was the only time in my youth that I rode "the strip" with my friends. (At that time here in the Shoals, downtown Russellville was the place to be Friday and Saturday nights.)

This Sir Mix-A-Lot cassette was on repeat in the car during those cruisins. Trust me, these two girls were the last ones you would think of listening to rap and that made these excursions even more fun. Alas, my "good, clean" phase was short-lived but I still listen to this song all the time. And yeah, I still know all the words.

This song reminds me that tomorrow isn't guaranteed. The permanent sleep will claim us all. This song reminds me to make the most of right now.

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